> 春节2024 > 过年了在家待了这么久英语





New year\'s day is a time to wear new clothes and visit relatives and friends, wishing each other good luck. Everyone is very happy during the New Year.


The Spring Festival is celebrated in China to mark the end of winter and the beginning of spring. It is...

The Spring Festival is a traditional Chinese holiday that celebrates the arrival of spring. It is a time when families come together...


在春节用at,一般在带有festival的节日前用at,如at the Spring Festival (在春节);一般在带有day的节日前用on,如on New Year\'s Day (在元旦)。

When referring to Spring Festival in English, it is more appropriate to use \"at.\" For example, \"at the Spring Festival.\" On the other hand, when referring to holidays with the word \"day,\" it is more common to use \"on,\" such as \"on New Year\'s Day.\"

春节已经过去了,英文,可不可以说“Spring Festival has been over”?

has gone吧,呵呵,用been的话是有被动的意思,春节过去不是被谁过去,应该用主动吧,不过……春节是不是个节气,应该是一段时间吧,呵呵,题外话。has gone吧,呵呵。

It would be more appropriate to say \"Spring Festival has gone.\" Using \"been\" implies a passive meaning, but Spring Festival does not pass by itself. It is more accurate to use \"has gone\" to express that Spring Festival has ended. However, it is worth mentioning that Spring Festival is not just a day but a period of time.


过可以理解为庆祝,用celebrate。所以过新年就是\"celebrate the new year\"。

The phrase \"过新年\" can be understood as celebrating the new year, so it can be translated as \"celebrate the new year.\"


SpringThe annual Chinese New Year has arrived, a festive scene, street lanterns and colored streamers.

Spring Festival, an annual celebration in China, has once again arrived. It is a joyful occasion with colorful decorations, such as street lanterns and streamers.


This winter holiday, I went to my grandparents\' house in the countryside. I had a meal with relatives...

During this winter holiday, I visited my grandparents\' house in the countryside. I spent time with my parents and enjoyed meals with various relatives.


比较正式的用Spring Festival与老外直接交流,说Chinese New Year也很普遍。在中国的春节是The Spring Festival in China,Spring Festival in China...

When communicating formally with foreigners, it is common to use \"Spring Festival\" or \"Chinese New Year.\" In China, the Spring Festival can be referred to as \"The Spring Festival in China.\" Another way to express it is \"Spring Festival in China.\"


1. I have been cleaning the room for one hour, but the room is too big. Still...

1. I have been cleaning the room for an hour already, but the room is so big that I haven\'t finished yet. It seems like the cleaning will take more time than I expected.


It was New Year\'s Eve, ringing out the old year and ringing in the new, when many guests were...

Today is New Year\'s Eve, a day to bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new. Many guests were invited to the house, creating a lively and festive atmosphere.